Alberic ID 11939
Work type TMP
Coll. No

The Portrait of Jules II in London's National Gallery: The Goose that turned into a Gander.

'Rejects the attribution of the discovered painting to Raphael, which has been admitted almost unanimously since 1970. The previous idea was based on two mistakes: an inaccurate interpretation of the results of conservation carried on then and the groundless identification of the London painting with the one exhibited in the 16th c. in the church of S. Maria del Popolo. The detailed examination of the stylistic features of both famous portraits of Jules II - in London and the Uffizi Gallery - leads the A. to the primacy of the latter one, which is probably the original of Raphael, painted possibly after the cartoon preserved in the Collezione Corsini in Florence, but not after the one in Chatsworth as supposed before. The London painting was a workshop copy painted probably ca. 1516 by Giovanni Francesco Penari' (BHA).

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Function Name Order Title Birthdate Death Alias
Author James Beck - - - -


Name Year Vol. Nr Tome Pp. Place Info
Artibus et historiae 1996 17 33 - 69-95, 221, 23 ill. Summary in English - -


Geographical order > Europe > Italy > Rome (S. Maria del Popolo)