Alberic ID 10333
Work type TMP
Coll. No

Antonio da Fabriano, eccentrico protagonista nel panorama artistico del Quattrocento marchigiano.

'A study of Antonio da Fabriano's art, with a catalogue of his paintings. Includes essays on his biography and critical history, patronage (by the mendicant orders) in Fabriano, on painting and workshops (14th-15th cs.) in Fabriano, and on 15th c. painting in the Marches region' (BHA).

Related Persons

Function Name Order Title Birthdate Death Alias
Author Bonita Cleri - - - -


Name Place
Cassa di Risparmio di Fabriano e Cupramontana Fabriano


Geographical order > Europe > Italy
Geographical order > Europe > Italy > [Fabriano]
Geographical order > Europe