Alberic ID 8194
Work type Article
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The antiphonaries of the Conradin Bible atelier and the history of the Franciscan and Augustinian liturgies.

"Compares two antiphonaries produced by the Conradin Bible atelier (named for the artists responsable for the illumination of the Conradin Bible in Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore, Ms W. 152); one made for Franciscan use (Colchester and Essex Museum, Ms 222.32) and the other for Augustinian use (Pisa, Museo nazionale e civico di San Matteo). An examination of these Mss supports a southern Italian attribution and a date in the 1260s. The antiphonaries shed light on the relationship of the Augustinian and Franciscan liturgies in the years immediately following the founding of the orders, as well as on the organization of the manuscript atelier in the 13th century" (BHA).

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Function Name Order Title Birthdate Death Alias
Author Rebecca W. Corrie - - - - -


Name Year Vol. Nr Tome Pp. Place Info
Journal of the Walters Art Gallery 1993 51 - - 65-88, 14 ill. Baltimore -