Alberic ID 13554
Work type Article
Coll. Yes

Commendaciones Augustini :

Textsammlungen zum Lob des Augustinus aus dem Umfeld des Augustinereremitenordens

Mit einer Edition von Pseudepigrapha.

Abstract : A number of late medieval manuscripts related to the Order of the Augustinian Hermits contain so-called Commendaciones Augustini. These are compilations of excerpts from different texts, in which the Order' patron Augustine receives praise. Beside pieces from authentic works one finds in these Commendaciones a major group of texts which claim to be excerpts from letters, sermons, or longer works written by persons related to Augustine or his late antique environment (like for example Possidius or Orosius); in these spurious excerpts the bishop of Hippo is praised in an absurdly excessive way. The pseudepigrapha seem to stem from a similar (or, at least partly, even from the same) background as the core group of the so-called Sermones ad fratres in eremo and the Epistulae spuriae which were critically edited by F. Römer in 1971/2. In the present article the sources and the transmission of some compilations of Commendaciones Augustini are examined (I.); content and language of the pseudepigraphic pieces are discussed (II.); finally, a critical edition of these curious texts is given (III.).

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Function Name Order Title Birthdate Death Alias
Author Lukas J. Dorfbauer - - - - -


Name Year Vol. Nr Tome Pp. Place Info
Augustiniana 2011 61 3-4 - Pp. 271-333 - -


Contents > Augustinians (OESA/OSA) > Manuscripts
General History > Augustinians (OESA/OSA)