Alberic ID 12577
Work type TMP
Coll. No

Elisabeth Cruciger (1500?-1535): The Case of the Disappearing Hymn Writer.

'Elisabeth von Meseritz, the first female Lutheran hymn writer, became a nun, fled from the convent to Wittenberg in the early 1520s and married Caspar Cruciger (1504-1548), a Wittenberg theologian and friend of both Luther and Melanchthon, in 1524. Her hymn "Herr Christ, der einig Gotts Sohn" was published in 1524. It was translated into English as early as 1535 and included in Coverdale's Goostly psalmes'.

Related Persons

Function Name Order Title Birthdate Death Alias
Author Mary Jane Haemig - - - -
Information Martin Luther OSA - 1483 1546 Maarten Luther
Martín Lutero
Heading Miles Coverdale OSA - ±1488 1569 -


Name Year Vol. Nr Tome Pp. Place Info
Sixteenth Century Journal 2001 32 - - 21-44 Kirksville, MO. -


Name Order Title Birthdate Death Alias
Miles Coverdale OSA - ±1488 1569 - -