Alberic ID 10820
Work type TMP
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The Oxford "School of Heretics": the unexamined case of Friar John.

John Kedington, master of theology, during a debate at the university, winter 1357, declared that the Mendicant Orders had a greater right to tithes than rectors of churches, that the king had the right to take away the temporalities from clerics of bad living, and that the university was a "gymnasium haereticorum". He was removed from office and had to pay a fine of 100 shillings. This case must be seen in the context of the debate over lordship which erupted in 1356 between Archbishop Fitzralph of Armagh and the Mendicant Orders, especially the Austin Friars. Geoffroy Hardeby: 171, 176.

Related Persons

Function Name Order Title Birthdate Death Alias
Author Andrew E. Larsen - - - -
Heading Jean Kedington OSA - - >1392 -


Name Year Vol. Nr Tome Pp. Place Info
Vivarium 1999 37 - - 168-177 Leiden -


Name Order Title Birthdate Death Alias
Jean Kedington OSA - - >1392 - -