Alberic ID 4931
Work type Book
Coll. No

Luther's theology of the Cross as reflected in selected historical contexts of social change from 1521 to 1525: A study of theory and practice in the early years of the Reformation (Diss. Boston Univ. Graduate School, 1980, 308 pp.).

Related Persons

Function Name Order Title Birthdate Death Alias
Author J.K. Del Pino - - - - -
Heading Martin Luther OSA - 1483 1546 Maarten Luther
Martín Lutero


Name Year Vol. Nr Tome Pp. Place Info
Dissertation Abstracts International A 1979-80 40 - - 6376-77 - -

Physical description

Publication Type Default
Published -
Pages -


Name Order Title Birthdate Death Alias
Martin Luther OSA - 1483 1546 -
Martín Lutero