Alberic ID 11612
Work type Book
Coll. No

The Role of the Lay Brother in the Governance of the Order of Saint Augustine.

'The dissertation investigates the unique contribution of St. Augustine with regard to monastic life, especially his idea on the role of authority within the community. Augustine's strong sense of fraternity characterized the life of the Order in the early years after its formal establishment in 1244... As a result of 1917 Code of Canon Law, the revised Constitutions OSA formally identified the Order to a clerical institute, restricting the office of superior to clerics. Vatican II's call for a return to the spirit of the founders prompted the OSA to recapture the notion of fraternity and equality of all members. In attempting to incorporate this concept into the Constitutions the Order has been frustrated because the Holy See will not approve the eligibility of all members for all offices. At the core of the issue is the exercise of ecclesiastical jurisdiction. This dissertation examines the present state of affairs and offers some possible solutions for the future.

Related Persons

Function Name Order Title Birthdate Death Alias
Author Francis J. Horn OSA - 1949 - -


Name Place
Catholic University of America J.C.D.


Name Year Vol. Nr Tome Pp. Place Info
Dissertation Abstracts International A 1998-99 59 - - 2073-74 - -

Physical description

Publication Type Default
Published 1998
Pages 367


General History > Generalities