Alberic ID 11565
Work type TMP
Coll. No

Der Gottesstaat als Vedute: Jan van Eycks Madonna des Kanzlers Nicolas Rolin.

'Attempt to link the form and content of Jan van Eyck's Madonna of the Chancellor Rolin (1435, Paris, Musée national du Louvre) to a fundamental and uniform iconographical concept. Discusses the landscape and scenic bipartition of the painting as evidence of the central role played by S.Augustine's De Civitate Dei in its central theological reference and examines that text's influence on all pictoral and compositional elements of the painting. Notes the importance of S.Augustine's writings at the court of the Duke of Burgundy in the 15th c. Identifies S.Augustine's historical theology and above all his doctrine of grace, as determining aspects of the Louvre painting' (BHA).

Related Persons

Function Name Order Title Birthdate Death Alias
Author Uwe Fleckner - - - -
Heading St. Augustin OSA bishop
354 430 Aurelius Augustinus de Hippo


Name Year Vol. Nr Tome Pp. Place Info
Artibus et historiae 1996 17 - - 133-158, 222, 10 ill.(3 col.) Summ. in English Firenze-Wien -


Hagiography - Iconography > Saint Augustin