Alberic ID 7519
Work type Book
Coll. No

The De comparatione rei publicae et regni (1489-1492) of Aurelio Lippo Brandolini (Diss. London, Warburg Institute).

"While at the court of king Matthias Corvinus in Hungary Brandolini began a dialogue De comparatione (etc.) in which the king, his son John Corvinus, and Domenico Giugni, a Florentine merchant in Buda, are interlocutors and in which the question "whether it is preferable to live in the best possible monarchy or the best republic" is debated. The dialogue is extant in two mss. in Florence in the Bibl. Laurenziana and in the Bibl. Riccardiana, and was printed in Hungary in the 19th. century".

Related Persons

Function Name Order Title Birthdate Death Alias
Author S.M. Mitchell - - - - -
Heading Aurèle Lippo Brandolini OSA - ±1454 1497 -


Name Year Vol. Nr Tome Pp. Place Info
Index to theses with abstracts accepted for higher degrees by the Universities of Great Brittain and Ireland 1987 35 - Part 4 1543 (= no. 7812) - -

Physical description

Publication Type Default
Published 1985
Pages -


Contents > Augustinians (OESA/OSA) > Manuscripts
Name Order Title Birthdate Death Alias
Aurèle Lippo Brandolini OSA - ±1454 1497 - -