Alberic ID 10884
Work type TMP
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The friar as critic: Bokenham reads Chaucer.

'Considers Chaucer's Legend of Good Women as a structural model for Bokenham's Legends of Holy Women, a collection of 13 female verse lives' (IMB).

Related Persons

Function Name Order Title Birthdate Death Alias
Author Sheila Delany - - - -
Heading Osbern Bokenham OSA - 1393 >1467 -


Name Place
Brewer Cambridge


Name Year Vol. Nr Tome Pp. Place Info
Medievalitas. Reading the Middle Ages, ed. by Piero BOITANI and Anna TORTI 1996 - - - 63-79 - -


Name Nr
J.A.W. Bennett Memorial Lectures ser. 9 -


Name Order Title Birthdate Death Alias
Osbern Bokenham OSA - 1393 >1467 - -