Alberic ID 4924
Work type Book
Coll. No

Luther on poverty and the poor: A study of Luther's exegetical understanding and use of the biblical language of poverty and the poor (1513-1525). (Diss. Columbia Univ., 1979, 278 pp.).

Related Persons

Function Name Order Title Birthdate Death Alias
Author B.L. Brummel - - - - -
Heading Martin Luther OSA - 1483 1546 Maarten Luther
Martín Lutero


Name Year Vol. Nr Tome Pp. Place Info
Dissertation Abstracts International A 1981-82 42 - - 4040 - -

Physical description

Publication Type Default
Published -
Pages -


Name Order Title Birthdate Death Alias
Martin Luther OSA - 1483 1546 -
Martín Lutero