Alberic ID 5894
Work type Book
Coll. No

Justitia Dei. A history of the christian doctrine of justification. 1. From the beginnings to 1500.

Albert de Padova: 178; Alphonse de Toledo: 154; Augustin Trionfo: 178; Denys de Montina: 143, 154; Ange Dobelin: 87, 143, 154, 177; Augustin Favaroni: 174; Gilles de Rome: 152, 177-79; Grégoire de Rimini: 87, 116-7, 123, 142-3, 152-3, 157, 167-8, 176-9; Henri de Friemar: 178; Jean Hiltalingen: 87, 143, 154, 177-8; Hugolin d'Orvieto: 87, 143, 153, 157, 168, 174, 179; Jacques Pérez de Valencia: 174, 178; Jean Klenkok: 143, 154, 177; Martin Luther: 3, 11, 25, 27, 29, 66-7, 76, 90-1, 125, 143, 154, 157, 168, 172, 179, 182-3; Jean de Paltz: 87, 178; Jean de Retz: 87, 152, 177; Jérôme Seripando: 174; Simon Fidati: 174; Jean de Staupitz: 83, 87, 144, 154, 172, 178; Thomas de Strasbourg: 87, 146, 152, 177-8; Schola Aegidiana: 146, 152, 177-9; Schola Augustiniana moderna: 87, 118, 140-1, 143, 152-4, 157, 173-4, 178-9, 183.

Related Persons

Function Name Order Title Birthdate Death Alias
Author McGrath, Alister E. - - - -
Information Albert de Padova OSA - - 1328 -
Information Alphonse Vargas de Toledo OSA bishop - 1366 -
Information Ange de Dö(o)belin OSA - - ±1420 Dobelinus
Information Augustin Favaroni de Rome OSA bishop
prior general
±1360 1443 -
Information Augustin Trionfo d'Ancona OSA - ±1275 1328 Augustinus Triumphus
Information Denys de Montina OSA - - - Dionysius (de Montina)
Information Gilles de Rome OSA - 1243 1316 Aegidius Romanus
Information Grégoire de Rimini OESA prior general ±1300 1358 Gregor von Rimini
Gregorio da Rimini
Gregory of Rimini
Gregorius Ariminensis
Information Henri de Friemar sr OSA - ±1245 1340 -
Information Hugolin d'Orvieto OSA bishop
prior general
- 1373 -
Information Jacobus Pérez de Valencia OSA bishop 1408 1490 Jacques Perez de Valencia
Jacquez Pérez de Valencia
Information Jean de Paltz OSA - ±1445 1511 -
Information Jean de Retz OSA - ±1360 1408 Johannes de Recz
Information Jean Hiltalingen de Bâle (Basel) OSA bishop ±1322 1392 Johannes de Basilea
Information Jean Klenkok OSA - ±1310 1374 -
Information Jean Staupitz OSA-OSB - ±1468 1524 -
Information Jérôme Seripando OSA cardinal
prior general
1493 1563 Hieronymus
Information Martin Luther OSA - 1483 1546 Maarten Luther
Martín Lutero
Information Robert Barnes OSA - 1495 1540 -
Information Simon Fidati de Cascia OSA blessed ±1295 1348 -
Information Thomas de Strasbourg OSA - ±1300 1357 Thomas de Argentina


Name Place
University Press Cambridge

Physical description

Publication Type Default
Published 1986
Pages XIII-252


Contents > Augustinians (OESA/OSA) > Augustinian School
Personal History > Generalities