Alberic ID 12363
Work type TMP
Coll. No

Recent research on Martin Luther, ed. by The Evangelical Theological Faculty of the Comenius University in Bratislava.

Contenu: Paul R. Hinlicky, Why the Most Recent Finnish Luther Research is Important to Us: 3-8; Antti Raunio, Natural Law and Faith: the Foundations of Ethics in Luther's Theology: 9-33; Simo Peura, Luthers Verständnis von der Rechtfertigung: forensisch oder effektiv: 34-57; Sammel Juntunen, Lutheran Catholic Dialogue Today: Joint Declaration on Justification: 58-72; Antti Raunio, The Church as Diaconal Communion: Some Signposts for the Renewal of the Church: 73-84; Karol Gábris, Luthers Auffassung vom Gesetz und Evangelium laut seinen Kommentaren zum Galaterbrief: 85-102; Igor Kiss, Graphische Darstellung der Zweireichelehre Luthers als Lehrhilfsmittel: 103-113, ill.; Daniel Vesely, Die lutherische Reformation in der Slowakei bis 1548: 114-122; Paul R. Hinlickey, Luther's Forgotten Ecclesiology and its Ecumenical Implications: 123-133.

Related Persons

Function Name Order Title Birthdate Death Alias
Author Antti Aulia Johannes Raunio - - - - -
Author Daniel Vesely - - - -
Author Igor Kiss - - - -
Author Karol Gábris - - - -
Author Paul R. Hinlicky - - - -
Author Sammel Juntunen - - - -
Author Simo Peura - - - -
Heading Martin Luther OSA - 1483 1546 Maarten Luther
Martín Lutero


Name Place
Comenius University Bratislava


Name Order Title Birthdate Death Alias
Martin Luther OSA - 1483 1546 -
Martín Lutero