Alberic ID 12482
Work type TMP
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Sola Fides: Justification by Faith in Evangelical Lutheran-Roman Catholic Ecumenical Dialogue (Ph.D. Saint Louis University, 1999, 371 pp.).

'For over 400 years, the Roman Catholic and Evangelical Lutheran churches have agreed that Christ justifies the sinner by gace. However they have been unable to agree on how He does this. Sola Fides, Faith in Christ, alone, has generated the greatest controversy. Yet, justification by faith alone, is the Christological center of Evangelical identity. Lutheran theologians, in particular, have given renewed emphasis to justification in ecumenical dialogue... In this context, Sola Fides assesses the progress made in Lutheran-Catholic dialogue on justification since Vatican II'.

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Function Name Order Title Birthdate Death Alias
Author Charles Rhodes Noel - - - -
Heading Martin Luther OSA - 1483 1546 Maarten Luther
Martín Lutero


Name Year Vol. Nr Tome Pp. Place Info
Dissertation Abstracts International A 2000-01 61 - - 1906 - -


Name Order Title Birthdate Death Alias
Martin Luther OSA - 1483 1546 -
Martín Lutero