Alberic ID 12438
Work type TMP
Coll. No

Twentieth-Century Theatre. The Dramatist's Mental Ward. The Case of Martin Luther (Ph.D. Emory University, 2000, 169 pp.).

Examines the effect that the psychohistorical study Erik Erikson's Young Man Luther has had on the way characters are portrayed in 20th c. theatre, especially how Martin Luther has been reexamined on the stage in the context of a psychoanalytic setting.

Related Persons

Function Name Order Title Birthdate Death Alias
Author Robin Young Huff - - - -
Heading Martin Luther OSA - 1483 1546 Maarten Luther
Martín Lutero


Name Year Vol. Nr Tome Pp. Place Info
Dissertation Abstracts International A 2000-01 61 - - 1396 - -


Name Order Title Birthdate Death Alias
Martin Luther OSA - 1483 1546 -
Martín Lutero