Alberic ID 9452
Work type Article
Coll. No

Further medals with the portrait of Gregor Mendel.

"Four new medals with Mendel's portrait were issued after 1985. Two of them were issued by the Mendelianum in Brno, one comes from the Federal Republic of Germany, and one from Spain. The last one was issued in 1988 by the Colegio Mayor "Mendel" in Madrid, and designed by F. Javier Campos y Fernández de Sevilla OSA".

Related Persons

Function Name Order Title Birthdate Death Alias
Author Jaroslav Obermajer - - - - -
Information Francisco Javier Campos y Fernández de Sevilla OSA - 1945 - -
Heading Grégoire Mendel OSA - 1822 1884 -


Name Year Vol. Nr Tome Pp. Place Info
Folia Mendeliana 1990-92 26-27 - - 103-106, 5 ill. Brno -


Geographical order > Europe > Spain > Madrid > [Colegio Mendel]
Geographical order > Europe > Czech Republic > [Brno (Brünn)]
Contents > Augustinians (OESA/OSA) > Teaching and colleges
Name Order Title Birthdate Death Alias
Grégoire Mendel OSA - 1822 1884 - -