Alberic ID 5490
Work type Article
Coll. No

The History of the University of Oxford, I: The early Oxford schools, ed. by J.I. Catto.

- Hackett, Michael Benedict OSA, The university as a corporate body: 37-95. Les augustins: 91.- Scheehan, M.W., The religious orders 1220-1320: 193-221. Les augustins: 194-96, 200-3, 205, 209.- Fletcher, J.M., The faculty of arts: 369-399. Les augustins: 381, 386-87.- Catto, J.I., Theology and theologians 1220-1320: 471-517. Gilles de Rome: 498, 503.

Related Persons

Function Name Order Title Birthdate Death Alias
Author Michael Benedict Hackett OSA - 1921 - -
Information Gilles de Rome OSA - 1243 1316 Aegidius Romanus


Name Place
Clarendon press Oxford


Geographical order > Europe > England
Geographical order > Europe > England > [Oxford]