Via Augustini. Augustine in the later Middle Ages, Renaissance and Reformation. Essays in honor of Damasus Trapp OSA, ed. by Heiko A. Oberman and Frank A. James III in cooperation with Eric Leland Saak
Contenu: Heiko A. Oberman, Introduction: 1-4; William J. Courtenay, The articles condemned at Oxford Austin Friars in 1315: 5-18; Eric Leland Saak, The "Figurae bibliorum" of Antonius Rampegolus OESA (ca. 1360-1422): 19-39; Walter Simon, Incerti auctoris Sermo de Antichristo. Editio ad fidem codicis: 42-54; Manfred Schulze, "Contra rectam rationem": Gabriel Biel's reading of Gregory of Rimini, versus Gregory: 55-71; Richard Wetzel, Staupitz Augustinianus: An account of the reception of Augustine in his Tübingen Sermons: 72-115; Lothar Graf zu Dohna, Staupitz and Luther: Continuity and breakthrough at the beginning of the Reformation: 116-129; Adolar Zumkeller OSA, The Augustinian theologian Konrad Treger (ca. 1480-1542) and his disputation theses of May 5, 1521: 130-141; David C. Steinmetz, Calvin and the natural knowledge of God: 142-156; Frank A. James III, A late medieval parallel in Reformation thought: "Gemina Praedestinatio" in Gregory of Rimini and Peter Martyr Vermigli: 157-188; Damasus Trapp OSA, Hiltalinger's Augustinian quotations: 189-220; Bibliography of Damasus Trapp (1935-1985): 221-226.