Alberic ID 11882
Work type TMP
Coll. No

Two Moments in Dosso's Career as a Landscape Painter.

'First examines the treatment of landscape in works from the 1510s in light of Franceschini's discovery that the Costabili polyptych (Ferrara, Pinacoteca nazionale) dates from 1513; notes the influence of Titian and Giorgione; and remarks that as early as ca. 1514 Dosso was painting works that correspond to Pliny's concept of the parergon' (BHA).

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Function Name Order Title Birthdate Death Alias
Author Peter Humfrey - - - -


Name Year Vol. Nr Tome Pp. Place Info
Dosso's Fate: Painting and Court Culture in Renaissance Italy, ed. by Luisa Ciammotti e.a. 1998 - - - 200-218, 12 ill. - -


Geographical order > Europe > Italy > [Ferrara]