Alberic ID 11880
Work type TMP
Coll. No

Studies in Dosso Dossi's Pictorial Language: Painting and Humanist Culture in Ferrara under Duke Alfonso I d'Este (Ph. D. The John Hopkins University, 2001, 551 pp.).

'Ch. 1 investigates the genesis of the Costabili Polyptych, which was painted as a message of salvation in a new era of peace and projects the humanist theology of the Eremitani friars of Ferrara'.

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Function Name Order Title Birthdate Death Alias
Author Giancarlo Fiorenza - - - -


Name Year Vol. Nr Tome Pp. Place Info
Dissertation Abstracts International A 2001-02 62 - - 365 - -


Geographical order > Europe > Italy > [Ferrara]